
X3 terran conflict or albion prelude
X3 terran conflict or albion prelude

x3 terran conflict or albion prelude

Now there is a Plugin Manager [But I couldn't get it to add mods to a Vanilla Game :/ So I added mods the Manual Way and Took Notes In What Order I added the Mods. Some HUD elements and our beloved Font Mod is structured this way. When Adding Textures to the X3TC-Root Directory they take Priority Over the. Some Mods/Zips I add later will have just a Folder labeled "dds" or "F" and so on. It's practically the same for X3 Albion Prelude. I then Rename them to "14.cat / 14.bat" respectively.I copy these files over to the Root TC Directory: \Steam\.\X3 Terran Conflict\.I download and add the "Vis Enhancement Mod" which has 2 files labeled: "Visual Enhancement.cat" and "Visual Enhancement.dat".13.Cat / 13.Dat are the last ones I have in the Root X3TC folder which are Official.Rename them to one number Higher than the Previous Number. When Adding mods Just Copy & Paste over the x.Cat / x.Dat to the Root Directory along with the other Cat/Dat files. Since I end on 13.Cat / 13.Dat in this Guide, this is where we Start. As long as its a Fresh Install of X3 and you take note of the last set of Cat/Dat files listed. Inside your \Steam\.\X3 Terran Conflict\ folder you will find the Cat/Dat files numbering from 01.CAT/ 01.DAT on up through to 08.Cat / 08.Dat. While Playing: click on "Pilot Options"-> scroll down to the Bottom to see if there is a yellow ***MODIFIED*** tag.

x3 terran conflict or albion prelude

As long as there are no scripts nor MD files. They are what the Official Patches are, including the official "bonus" package. But Adding " x.CAT" and " x.DAT" files Are Safe(usually).

#X3 terran conflict or albion prelude how to

While searching for Vanilla Safe Mods () I found how to Mod Vanilla X3 Safely. The first thing starting out was the Font was Way to small to read.

X3 terran conflict or albion prelude